Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Starting Over ... Again

So, for about the 60th time (one for every year I've waddled on this planet), I'm starting over. This time, dammit, I'm going to remain consistent. Swear.

I went to Utah last summer and had the poop beat out of me. Thought I'd die, but I didn't. I was on it throughout the summer, hiking the Rockies with my kids and, thanks to Fitness Ridge, I was at least able to do it. Then, I returned home to work.

Computers suck me in. My beam grows wider as my eLife expands. Before I know it, the day is done and I haven't exercised a muscle beyond my wrist. This time (she said during a nice, 3-week break from work), I WILL keep it up. This blog will make me be honest with myself.

I'm checking back in at FR in Malibu this coming Sunday! I've dragged my arthritic bones around the neighborhood for the past week, but that's the most I've done. One hour/day is only 1/6 of what I'm going to be doing come Monday. Dear God ....

  • BodyMediaFit back on my arm, check. 
  • Initial weigh-in (only a 5-pound gain since Utah, surprisingly, but when you're so far from goal, that's a pimple on a hog's butt), check. 
  • Record-keeping calendar back in focus, check. 
  • New socks (gotta be special, double-walled) purchased for hikes, check. 
  • Nightly prayers to survive those grueling first few days, check!

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